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My first wash & go with.........Kinky Curly Curling Custard!!!! I know that I am just too excited about my hair right now! LOL yesterday afternoon..I was feeling a lil blah with myself. My son ran around the doctors office, it was hot..I was hungry (moms you know the deal). So I recently purchased the KCCC & Knot Today from target. I was anxious to try it...but not too anxious to pay the 11.99 & 16.99 for these products!!!! SHREIK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you can imagine that I was ready to see what it would do to my hair.

Unfortunately Target did not have the Come Clean I was forced to find another sulfate free shampoo. I turned to....Giovanni's Smooth As Silk....which by the way is Awesome for my extremely dry hair. After I washed with Giovanni's my hair felt just like silk..foreal.

So after the amazing experience with Gio,( I detangled and all that before washing of course)..I smoothed some Knot Today through my sectioned hair & it also gave my hair an amazing slip! It also smelled wonderful! ****Also with the KCCC products, a little goes a looooong way, seriously**** so there is no need to pack it on like crazy!!!!
So after I applied the Knot Today,(on soaking wet hair) I slipped the KCCC through each section & instantly noticed a difference! My hair responded soooo well! I was so exciting to see this product transform my very coily strands into beautiful ringlets.

...But very importantly..there is no need to mess with your hair after you have applied the product...just let it dry as is....and after about 2-3 hair was xformed from this... dry mess (after I took down the braids) to this beautiful head of hair!!! & ...I absolutely LOVE IT!! I would recommend this product line..just save your coins, cuz it aint cheap! lol....

Peace & Naturalness



My latest style is individual braids..or box braids. I can honestly say that I've fallen in love with braids again. The last time I had them...I rushed through them & they looked horrible!! lol So I decided to get braids after seeing a few ladies on Youtube use them as protective styles for awhile. I used synthetic hair from my local Beauty Supply. I was sooo excited to put them only took me 5 hours ( yes I had Itunes & the Golden Girls) playin in the bathroom while I was braiding) lol. So here;s a few pics.....................also I decided to try the method on making your syntheitc hair plaiting it up & dipping it in HOT WATER! stay tuned! :)